
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thing 11 Seems like a passive thing but lets talk about mentoring

I do not have a mentor. End.

Just kidding. About the End thing. I really don't have a mentor. I honestly hadn't thought about getting one. It hasn't ever been brought up until this Thing. A mentor, huh. I have no idea. I have definitely had informal mentors, but everyone I have worked with is an informal mentor. When  I am unsure how to handle a situation, I watch other librarians handle the situation. If the results are positive, I mimic their behavior when I am dealing with that situation again. Probably not the best approach, but doing this has helped me decide how I should deal with certain things.

I have assessed my strengths and weaknesses. I know which things work for me and which things do not. It is helpful to view models and approaches but ultimately I decide which to use. Do I still need a mentor? Most definitely! Any volunteers?! LOL j/k I guess I'll start looking but honestly I just don't know who I would ask.  


  1. Perhaps your advisor or one of your professors can recommend a mentor? Also, you might try inquiring in your program's career services office, as they may have or be aware of formal mentorship opportunities.

  2. Those are great ideas! I will email my adviser and see. My only question is when I will be able to fit mentoring into my crazy life! But I'm sure there's a mentor out their who can work with my hectic schedule.
