
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thing 8 Googling Calendars

I have used gmail for several years. It is also the format for my school email. It is very easy to use so I am very excited to become familiar with the calendars that google offers. Free, is a very liberating word. I like it! And usually when it comes to Google and free services they are still quality products. Here begins the adventure.

I opened a new tab and went to Since my gmail account is the one registered to blogger, the site automatically recognizes me. That's kinda nice but its also kinda stalkerish. Like THEY knew I was coming or something. A little bit to involved in the Internet using but I'll get over it. I'm exploring. Okay. Now google says my browser's old (judgmental much). Fine, I'll do what I did with yahoo mail - Try the classic version. Which is basically the old version for old browsers like mine. But Why they couldn't refer to my browser as a classic instead of old and placate me I don't know.

I changed a few settings. My week now starts on Saturday instead of the default Sunday. The automatically add invitations to my calendar threw me. Wait a minute. Can any Tom, Dick, or Stanley see my calendar? What if I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing? Is that what this means? I set out on a quest to investigate the privacy settings for this calendar. Okay, great! The calendar is only searchable if I make it public. Nice. Okay, I'm on board.

Honestly, I see this being used for business and group projects. It would be nice to create a calendar and add dates and meeting times. And anyone can change or add to it. It keeps everyone on he same page.

Woah! So, cool, unrelated to the THING discovery. Following a blog here on my blog automatically gets added to my google reader. How cool is that! I decided to at least look at if not add to my reader while I was signed into google. Ha ha, and what do you know. Hack library school is listed as a blog I am following. Google knew! Wait ... Stalker!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thing 7 Networking with POs

My networking skills are limited. Professional organizations save me. As a library school student I am a part of SOLIS. This organization consists of student membership to ALA, SLA, and ASIS&T. But in all honesty my participation is limited (by geography) to online activities. Which as you can imagine is few and far between. Not that SOLIS doesn't try but it is hard to get people miles away involved with people on campus.

I have gotten involved with other organizations. For instance, I am a peer reviewer for a student journal. In place of the traditional participation in on campus activities, I have done my best to participate in online activities. But in all honesty, working full time and going to school part time (online or not) does not leave room for much else. I remember a few semesters ago, SOLIS was trying to get an off campus student to have an officer position. The only problem was that they wanted this person to drive to them and meet on campus. What? How does that make sense? Shouldn't the off campus officer be coordinating off campus things? Why not have conference calls or skype? I probably should have pointed this out but I wasn't going to volunteer my time for the position so I let it be. But of course, now I wonder if I had pointed that out if there would now be an off campus officer.

Everything in retrospect. Oh well, back to the topic. Or at least a topic like comment. I do hope to attend one ALA conference at some point or any conference to do with librarianship. A lot of the librarians I work with have partcipated in or are presently participating in some committee for a professional organization. They say it's a lot of work but it's a great experience. They feedback makes me want to join one when I am actually a librarian. I'm so gullible, they could probably say that snow is green and just because I haven't seen it in person I would believe them. Okay, that was a little dramatic. I know snow is white, so telling me its green will just get a "smile and wave" ( I love the Madagascar penguins).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thing 6 Online networks

This post will be about Facebook. I state this now so that you can stop reading here us Facebook bores you. Anyway, the only online network I use id Facebook. Well, that's not true I also love My professors usually have a delicious page dedicated to their courses. It's were we get required readings or just interesting tidbits of information. But usually we use it for online references. Half of  my favorites are delicious pages. That's excessive, I know. Oh, I lied again. I said this was going to be about Facebook. I have to believe you are used to it by now. I'm working on the grammar as well. How am I doing so far? Good? Good!

Don't be weirded out by the fact that I ask rhetorical questions ... a lot. I'm a you tube junkie and a lot of the tubers start their vids of with some type of rhetorical question. So, I'm a copy cat. I wonder if some time in the future copyright laws will extend to you tube and how tubers start off their vids. Honestly, with the way trademark laws are going with the Internet, I can't say I'd be surprised. Okay, I am super off topic. Let's bring it back.

Facebook. I use it. Honestly, I have just begun to discover its full potential. There are so many organization pages. Not only am I a fan of my library but I can also be a fan of the not for profits I support. And yes, I am now a fan of 23 Things for Professional Development. (I am now 100% comfortable with inserting links! All Hail, the Magnificent Queen Techie Wizard!) I like that whenever I check my facebook, I can see the newsfeeds. I use Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends. There is nothing business like about my facebook page. Not that any lewd and lucivious behaviors are documented in my profile pictures but there aren't any pictures with me in a suit either. (No swim suit pictures either. I am aware of the magic of Photoshop.) My Facebook page is purely about fun and growth and development.

I have "liked" several interesting groups that I continually follow. If not for those groups or organization pages, I probably would have deleted Facebook. is something I frequent in a time of need. What was that link to that agency for that thing? This question and many others are easily answered if i keep my page up to date and add to it. The site is just an online bookmark saver. It saves the links of the websites in "the cloud". You just log on and access your favorites/bookmarks list. I realize that probably doesn't count as a network but it's still pretty neat. 

Unrelated note: I am going to try and learn some French words. I've tried most of my years, up to now, to learn Spanish and I still can't speak it. Keep in mind, I live in an area were I hear many different dialects of Spanish everyday, so I really have no excuse except that I am terrible at it. And since I refuse to believe that I am just terrible at learning a new language in general, I choose to believe that maybe I just can't learn Spanish. So let's try French. Any ideas on places to start?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thing 5 Reflective Practice

Reflecting...reflecting...reflecting. Done!
Haha just kidding! Kinda...

I haven't participated in a webinar for a month so that's out. Um. I found a great recipe for eggplant lasagne but I haven't actually cooked it yet so, that's out. I could talk about this but I've done everything in one day so it feels like a cheat. You don't care, do you. No? Good.

This has been an interesting experience. I have definitely learned a lot. And I don't think I'm still shy about blogging. It's fun and .. cathartic? Is that the right word? I don't know but it sounds right. I've noticed that I on the right track for blogs. I really enjoy reading hack library school. They have some interesting stuff. I also enjoy browsing the Library School Journal. Library students, internationally, are putting some really fascinating articles and LSJ covers a nice variety of subjects.

When I started this blog, all of two hours ago, I had absolutely no good idea of what I wanted it to be. Future librarians talk was more of a statement than a name for a blog. Now, I think, it should be a place where library students can just talk. And be opinionated and stuffy. LOL We like to talk. We like information and it isn't all necessarily library related. I think my blog should be about what ever interests me and whatever comes to mind. For instance, everyday I surf same hair or fashion website. Most are blogs that have evolved into websites. Of course I have favorites so may be I'll share those. Also, I'm thinking about posting comments and reflections about other blogs and current news both local and international. All of the blogging today has hooked me body and soul. Well thats a lie and again waaaaay to dramatic a statement. So I'll just say I like blogging. And that's that.

From a librarian2b who hopes to be a blogger4now. Hehehehehehe I'm weird. It's incurable. Though I haven't tried so I've lied again.

Thing 4 I may be catching up

Twitter.  Hmmm. Well, I liked it but I must be honest. I don't see myself ever using it. It seemed a bit superfluous. (Woah, were did that word come from. Must be all this library schooling.) I wasn't very excited. I guess I could get a Pushnote account and rate it. Lol

I use RSS feeds like they are going to run out of them. (By they, I mean.. I have no idea who (or whom? for the child of an English teacher, you think I would know...but I don't) I mean. Don't look for clarity from this blog. The blogger has no idea how to find it). Yes, I write parentheses within parentheses. I'm quite the parenthetical. Anyway, my google reader is probably dusty. I have neglected it for ... semesters. Wow! I don't think I've looked at my google reader since ... my first semester of library grad school.

I am lazy and really want to get to thing 5 so this is the end. Not of the world. I'm no drama queen and I'm just not bombastic enough to say something that .. well .. I don't know the word for it but I guarantee it will come to me sometime tomorrow when I'm supposed to be thinking or doing something important and by the time I have a chance to write it down so I will remember, I would have forgotten it. Who said short term memory survives for a few seconds? Give them a cookie.

Thing 3 Ouchies

Are you sure branding doesn't hurt? Because my head hurts. I honestly have no idea how to brand myself. There i said it. After reading the examples and explanations I still have no idea. It's madness and no that doesn't mean it's Sparta. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah right.. I'm a techie's worst nightmare. Next!

Activity. Who can find whom on the Web? This is why my Facebook page resembles a blank sheet of paper. And that's about the only online presence I have. It started in college and just never went away. (Boy, does that sound like something you'd here on late night television for a rehab ad) Right, focus, cpd23. I am drawing a complete blank. Ummmmmmmmmmm ...... oh! I googled myself (I refuse to make any juvenile inappropriate comments) and I found Facebook. And of course, it was the Facebook page for the one other person with my name on Facebook who lives in (drum roll please) the UK! My icon down to the bottom left under others. I'm an other. It's borderline pathetic. Am I heartbroken? ... Nope. It's Facebook. It could forget I exist and then maybe it would stop filling up my inbox with "messages" about drivel!

I'm done ranting, I promise. Maybe. We'll see.What else? Oh, I am not feeling adventurous. As such, I will not ask anyone how my blog looks. The comments might be as harsh as the blog deserves. LOL  (And who says I can't remember anything from highschool)

Thing 2

I commented on a few blogs via the participants page list (I hope that links correctly. If so, yay! If not, boo!)
Addicted to story had me at hello. I can fully identify with her blogging experiences. I too have a blog but for the life of me I do not know where it is! I misplaced something of the Web. I think that's impossible! I wonder if there is something like a world record or some such reward for that kind of impossibility. Look at me...only on thing 2, several weeks behind mind you, and I'm looking for a reward. I can only guess that this is my problem.
And now that I have gotten completely off topic, I'll just stop.

I change my mind (it happens..often T_T). Let me tell you about some more blogs I visited today.
I checked out the Extra Psych blog (again, I hope that linked right. It is called linking right? I promise to stop saying right.) Right, well ... (Promises are meant to be broken) I couldn't find it. (insert cute tearful emoticon here. It takes me too much time to get those right) The blog came up and it looked very interesting but I couldn't find the 23 things posts. I'm a techie's worst nightmare. (I wonder if they draw straws when I send them an email for help) So, I moving on to thing 3.

I lied or changed my mind .... or lied. I checked out another blog. I visited YoungGeekyLibrarian's blog. yes! Another person who's behind. Well maybe ahead. Definitely ahead of me anyway. But I guess behind cpd23. If this blogs behind where am I in this line. Anyway, I enjoyed the blog. it was directly to the point and more importantly .. I could find the posts! I feel like a tech wizard ........ but I'm not. It was nice to live in fantasy for a minute. And unpleasant flashback, I just said anyway twice in the same paragraph! My mother (charming, unrelenting school teacher that she is) is probably gritting her teeth now at children for the exact same offense. Deep Breath. She won't read this. You won't tell, will you?

cpd23 - I'm late....I know

Hi All,
I am ridiculously behind I know but better late than never.
I'm taking part in this course to learn more about the web. I want to be more comfortable with blogging and web publishing in general. It's a little scary but I know there is plenty of help out there. So, let's get started.