
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Navigating the NLW guide

This video took a very long time to create. I wish I could show you guys my bloopers. LOL After reading a few posts I noticed that a lot of people ran into the same problems I did. I had a problem with the size of my video as well. I ended up shrinking my page until it fit in 600x600. I couldn't read it while I was doing it and I still can't read it now that is done. 0_T (Half crying) Also, I noticed that the Jing videos do lag if you are not mousing over the video while it is playing. Just my two cents on the confuddilations...

1 comment:

  1. Jing Bloopers....I like that lol. I know we laugh now but I literally re-recorded mine a bunch and it was not funny while I was doing it.... I keep hearing about shrinking the webpage, I wish I knew how to do that. I am going to seriously look into that for the future. I enjoyed your video and liked that you introduced yourself at the beginning and clearly stated the web address.
