
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thing 3 Ouchies

Are you sure branding doesn't hurt? Because my head hurts. I honestly have no idea how to brand myself. There i said it. After reading the examples and explanations I still have no idea. It's madness and no that doesn't mean it's Sparta. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah right.. I'm a techie's worst nightmare. Next!

Activity. Who can find whom on the Web? This is why my Facebook page resembles a blank sheet of paper. And that's about the only online presence I have. It started in college and just never went away. (Boy, does that sound like something you'd here on late night television for a rehab ad) Right, focus, cpd23. I am drawing a complete blank. Ummmmmmmmmmm ...... oh! I googled myself (I refuse to make any juvenile inappropriate comments) and I found Facebook. And of course, it was the Facebook page for the one other person with my name on Facebook who lives in (drum roll please) the UK! My icon down to the bottom left under others. I'm an other. It's borderline pathetic. Am I heartbroken? ... Nope. It's Facebook. It could forget I exist and then maybe it would stop filling up my inbox with "messages" about drivel!

I'm done ranting, I promise. Maybe. We'll see.What else? Oh, I am not feeling adventurous. As such, I will not ask anyone how my blog looks. The comments might be as harsh as the blog deserves. LOL  (And who says I can't remember anything from highschool)

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