
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thing 8 Googling Calendars

I have used gmail for several years. It is also the format for my school email. It is very easy to use so I am very excited to become familiar with the calendars that google offers. Free, is a very liberating word. I like it! And usually when it comes to Google and free services they are still quality products. Here begins the adventure.

I opened a new tab and went to Since my gmail account is the one registered to blogger, the site automatically recognizes me. That's kinda nice but its also kinda stalkerish. Like THEY knew I was coming or something. A little bit to involved in the Internet using but I'll get over it. I'm exploring. Okay. Now google says my browser's old (judgmental much). Fine, I'll do what I did with yahoo mail - Try the classic version. Which is basically the old version for old browsers like mine. But Why they couldn't refer to my browser as a classic instead of old and placate me I don't know.

I changed a few settings. My week now starts on Saturday instead of the default Sunday. The automatically add invitations to my calendar threw me. Wait a minute. Can any Tom, Dick, or Stanley see my calendar? What if I don't want anyone to know what I'm doing? Is that what this means? I set out on a quest to investigate the privacy settings for this calendar. Okay, great! The calendar is only searchable if I make it public. Nice. Okay, I'm on board.

Honestly, I see this being used for business and group projects. It would be nice to create a calendar and add dates and meeting times. And anyone can change or add to it. It keeps everyone on he same page.

Woah! So, cool, unrelated to the THING discovery. Following a blog here on my blog automatically gets added to my google reader. How cool is that! I decided to at least look at if not add to my reader while I was signed into google. Ha ha, and what do you know. Hack library school is listed as a blog I am following. Google knew! Wait ... Stalker!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to make an effort to not sound too loudly and ecstatically the horn of Google but...Google Calendars are the best things to happen to me. My entire life is absolutely managed by the Google Calendar. I have separate calendar settings that all appear on my main calendar for everything from School to Work to Cristy (just every day personal things) to Local Events. It's really fantastic.

    As a side note, my mother insisted on sharing her incredibly packed Google calendar with me and I accepted it unaware of how it would clutter my own calendar so needlessly. I learned how to block her events from appearing on my calendar (why share it with me, mom?) and, conversely, how to not-share certain calendars with her (really WHAT does she need to know about my assignments being due?).

    It's fairly intuitive. Very easy to use.

    What's best? You can do a similar thing with Google Maps. I have created Google Maps too. Very very cool.
